
Allianz Stadium Twickenham Car Park Landscaping

February 2025

Fineturf are proud to have completed a two phase project at the Allianz Stadium Twickenham, bringing new life to the North and West car parks and boundary areas. Completed over December 2024, January and February 2025, the works included soft landscaping, installation of new security fencing and establishment of new wildflower areas.

Phase 1 – North Car Park

Landscaping work was undertaken in December 2024 to bring new visual merit to the stadiums’ North Car Park.

Having submitted full plans for the project, Fineturf then proceeded to supply and install all the materials specified to create a series of planting beds. Starting with a foundation of Tillers high-quality screened topsoil, operatives then planted a selection of specimen trees and a double row of native hedging – seven plants to the metre. Together with providing colour and definition, the shrubs selected were of a low-growing variety to minimise the amount of maintenance required.

A layer of 50-60mm bark was then laid over the top, to retain moisture and prevent weed ingress.

Bringing further visual appeal and boosting biodiversity in the environment, is a new wildflower embankment. Using a bespoke mixture of carefully selected native and naturalised plant species, Tillers wildflower turf provides a vital food source and habitat for an array of pollinating insects, birds, amphibians and mammals.

Phase 2 – West Car Park and Boundary

Work was undertaken to remove and replace planting and install new boundary fencing in the West Car Park during January and February 2025.

With hedging and old boundary fencing removed, Fineturf supplied and installed new, secure anti-climb boundary fencing. Once in place, soft landscaping work could then commence to bring visual and sustainability benefits to the site.

Dovetailing the work conducted in phase one, Fineturf supplied and laid 500m2 of Tillers wildflower turf on the west boundary, alongside native hedging and low-growing shrub planting. Bark mulch, as before, topped the beds.

Fineturf also installed new concrete kerbing to the training/warm up areas to provide definition between the sports turf and soft landscaping.