Baysgarth School Natural Pitch Construction
June 2017
In 2015 work commenced on a new building and sports village for Baysgarth School in Lincolnshire. In 2017 we were asked to construct a natural pitch on the footprint of the demolished old school building
The pitch was built as per the specification supplied by a sports turf agronomist. Crushed stone from the old building was used to construct the formation of the pitch. This was laser graded and consolidated and covered with a geo textile membrane. 100mm of gravel was installed and a 250mm layer of site won topsoil. 50mm of sports sand was spread and thoroughly ameliorated into the topsoil to produce a permeable rootzone.
Sand slits were cut through the profile at 1m centres. The final surface was prepped and Limagrain MM60 seed sown. The surrounding areas were landscaped and sown with Limagrain Estate.