
Harrold Cricket Club Cricket Square Resurfacing and Levelling

September 2024

Fineturf recently completed a cricket square resurfacing and levelling project at Harrold Cricket Club, demonstrating our commitment to delivering high-quality playing surfaces. The project involved a series of meticulous steps to ensure optimal results for the club.

The process began with stripping the existing surface, with all arisings tipped on-site for others to dispose of. The existing loam was cultivated to prepare the base for the next stages. Levels were carefully set before lasergrading and consolidating to achieve a precise and even foundation.

We supplied and delivered 30m³ of Ongar Loam, which was expertly graded out in layers, consolidated at each stage, and seamlessly married into the outfield. Final ground preparation works were carried out with precision to ensure the square was match-ready.

To enhance growth conditions, we supplied and applied 6.5.18 fertiliser at 35g/m². MM50 grass seed was sown at 70g/m², with the entire area hand-raked to perfection. The site was left clean and tidy, reflecting Fineturf’s high standards of professionalism.

This project highlights Fineturf’s expertise in cricket square resurfacing, ensuring Harrold Cricket Club benefits from a top-tier playing surface for the seasons to come.