Moira House Estate Lawn Tennis Court Construction
August 2016
We have just completed the construction of 4 lawn tennis courts for the Lawn Tennis Association in Eastbourne. The courts will be used as practice courts for the prestigious 2017 Aegon International Eastbourne Tennis Championship.
The existing turf was stripped using a big roll harvester. The topsoil was stripped and stockpiled to be reused later. The courts were cut and filled to achieve the required levels, the topsoil replaced and the area laser graded. A perimeter drain was installed around all 4 courts with two further drains forming a cross between the courts and running into the perimeter. Surrey loam was spread to create the final playing surface. The loam was keyed using a pedestrian Graden to avoid root break. Finally, 6:5:18 was applied and the surface sown with Limagrain MM50 at 80gm2. During the project a full irrigation was also installed.