Sole Bay Bowls Club Green Relocation
March 2024
In March 2024, Fineturf commenced a project at Sole Bay Bowls Club in Southwold, Suffolk, to construct a new green on the clubs existing site. In a project which took a total of five weeks, a new green was built, together with new drainage and irrigation installed as part of a site-wide redevelopment.
The first stage was to strip the new green location and excavate the area. A perimeter drain was then fitted around the footprint of the green, along with drains installed diagonally across the green at 4m centres for optimal moisture movement.
100mm of 2-6mm gravel created a carpet over the drains, topped with 200mm of 70/30 sports rootzone material. This was then laser graded, prepared and applied with a nutritional programme which consisted of Greentec 6-5-18 and Multigreen 28-3-15. Finally, the new, levelled surface was sown with MM10 grass seed at a rate of 70g/m2.
A new fully automated irrigation system was also installed as part of the build, on the outside of the concrete channels which were laid on the outer perimeter of the green. The new sprinklers, pump and controller were installed along with a 1.2m pedestrian pathway on the outer edge of the green.
Fineturf’s grow-in manager expertly supervised the early stages of the grow-in and conducted the first three cuts. Then, with the quality green almost fit and ready for play, the surface was returned to the stewardship of the club for the start of a new busy bowls season.