Stow On The Wold Tennis Court Construction
June 2018
During this project we constructed a grass tennis court, a croquet lawn and socialising area for a private client.
The scope of works for the natural tennis court construction included:
- Cut and fill subsoil and laser grade plateaus for the court formation and lawns.
- Install drainage at 3m centres and connect the main drain into an adjacent stream.
- Lay a geotextile fabric to act as a barrier between the formation and drainage layer
- Install a 100mm deep gravel drainage layer and a 50mm blinding layer. Laser grading both.
- Supply a topsoil layer followed by a loam layer. Consolidating and laser levelling both.
- Prepare the final surface for fertiliser application and sowing of MM50 tennis court seed.
- During the project a pop-up irrigation system was installed to the lawn tennis court.